Small (and not affecting the results) bug was corrected in the summary function; removed dependcy on ggsn, as the package was archived (so scalebar cannot be plotted anymore); checked for the new ggmap; imporved unix cluster handling
Removed dependencies from sp, maptools, rgeos and rgdal
Minor change in testhat part to comply with new CRAN checks.
Moved GeoLight from Imports to suggests. Corrected significant bug in get_utilisation_points that affected size of the estimated error distributions in plotting and summary functions!!!
Fixed minor bug in find times distribution, set time zones to gmt everywhere, replaced cat() with message(), improved documentation, conserved par values throughout the code.
Small fixes in test for R 4.1.0 compartibility.
Small bug fixes in calibration function, FLightR2Movebank function added.
Made FLightR compartible with ggmap >= 3.0.0.
Many small stability improvements, typo corrections and new error mesages.
Added support for old swiss loggers, improved find stationary location function small bug fixes, citation update, added vignette, fixed many small bugs.
Corrected mistakes in check submitted to CRAN.
Many changes, all tests, helpfiles, ready for CRAN submission.
Solved dateline isssues for plotting.
No preestimated distances and angles - attempt to save memory on large spatial extents, new workflow.
added bigMemory and new workflow.
New boundaries for Intigeo tags, changes in black-tailed godwit examples many bug fixes.
Correction in time - positions match.
Added fast lm implementation.
pf filter became MUCH faster! the rest is more or less unchanged.
Added the double calibration option reorganized the workflow.
Functions reorganized and the whole package is cleaned all output is in the results section now.
Many changes with reorganizing the whole thing, putting functions in thematic files etc.
Brute force calibration and the whole bunch of small changes.
Functions 5.0 added.
corrected for summer time.., also added some stability to the movies.
added median in the plotting function.